• dim. 4 juin 2017

  • 18:00

Évènement terminé


Première partie

ALiiFE + Fantastics


Azalée - 33 Degrees

 » Thank you all for your continued support of GENERATIONS.

On May 22, A tragic incident occurred in Manchester.

We would like to express our sincerest condolences to all the victims and their families.

Following the incident, we have decided at this time it is best to cancel our performances in London and Paris.

We made the decision as the highest priority is the safety of our fans.

We are truly sorry for those who were looking forward to our performance in London and Paris.

Thank you for your understanding.
We, GENERATIONS, pray that no such tragedies will happen ever again. -From all the members of GENERATIONS-« 

Annulation du concert de GENERATIONS from EXILE Tribe à Paris !


Suite aux attentats survenus lors du concert d’Ariana Grande à Manchester le 22 Mai dernier, le management, ​LDH JAPAN​, a décidé ​d’annuler la venue du groupe ​GENERATIONS From Exile Tribe​ à ​Paris​.
Le groupe qui devait se produire à La Cigale le 4 Juin 2017 a posté des messages d’excuses sur les réseaux sociaux.

L’agence 33 Degrees commencera les procédures de remboursement des billets ce jour, le 29 Mai 2017. Chaque acheteur sera contacté concernant la procédure à suivre.

Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez contacter l’agence 33 Degrees par email à

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le message officiel posté sur les réseaux sociaux de la part du groupe.

 » Thank you all for your continued support of GENERATIONS.

On May 22, A tragic incident occurred in Manchester.

We would like to express our sincerest condolences to all the victims and their families.

Following the incident, we have decided at this time it is best to cancel our performances in London and Paris.

We made the decision as the highest priority is the safety of our fans.

We are truly sorry for those who were looking forward to our performance in London and Paris.

Thank you for your understanding.
We, GENERATIONS, pray that no such tragedies will happen ever again. -From all the members of GENERATIONS-« 


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